Some curious things …

This is Oscar Rejlander.

This is what he did when Charles Darwin asked him to look ‘surprised’.

Darwin observed how easily ‘surprise’ can become ‘astonishment’, then ‘stupefied amazement’, which is ‘closely akin to terror’ . 

Mr Rejlander also provided Darwin with a photograph of a ‘small dog watching a cat on a table’, and ‘successfully acted the gesture of shrugging the shoulders’ .

[Charles Darwin, The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, 1872]

Mind-reading test

Think of a number from 1 to 100. An odd number. Do it now! Any odd number from 1 to 100 …

Have you got a number?

OK, now please concentrate … you’re thinking of thirty-seven?

Not everyone gets it correct. Telepathy doesn’t usually work with sceptical people. But you are not just sceptical – you are also open-minded. You took part in the test - even though you expected it to fail.

And you were right!

Mind control by children

No. No way.

Absolutely not.

I said no. I’m not telling you again.

It isn’t going to happen.


Definitely not. 

OK, once, but that’s it …

Are you curious?

CURIOUS Cu stands for copper, which is known for its flexibility. It’s an excellent conductor of power.

CURIOUS Rio means ‘river’, a natural stream that connects the mouth to a higher source.

CURIOUS Us is how we describe ourselves. When we say it, it means that we’re in this together.


CURIOUS A cur is a mongrel, a mixture of things. It’s the opposite of pedigree, which is the result of in-breeding. A cur is the product of a richer ancestry, and exemplifies the strength of diversity.

CURIOUS IOUs are records of debt. They’re proof of what we owe to others, and of what others owe to us. They’re bonds that remind us that we’re in debt to each other.